Hiking is an outdoor recreational activity and very often is done in through natural environments and often on pre-charted paths. Namely in the jungles, valleys, meadows etc.
Hiking is often done for a few hours or overnight or even more. The equipment we carry varies. A good hiking shoe with good hard rubberised soul grip is extremely essential, and should be water resistant. Appropriate weather-based clothing’s, a Hat and a Cap, Sunscreen, walking Pole, water-proof jacket or poncho, a map, compass for navigation, 5 Ltr to 40 Ltrs Backpack based on the number of hours or days. Survival Kit, Torch light, water purifying tablets, sleeping bags, Tent, fire lighting tools, flint match sticks, insect repellent.
Steps: We should keep our steps in gradual and equal pace and not rush fast or slow down. This helps in maintaining the breathing and stamina and relaxation on the leg muscles.
Rucksack or Backpack: Adjust your backpack intermittently as you go across from one place to another, so that there is no strain on one particular area of the body. Adjust your shoulder straps and hip strap locks as the weight is increased or decreased. Loosen your hip straps while ascending. Like filling up of two litre water bottles. Food items etc.
Water Stops or Breaks Avoid long distance water stops. Maintain a measured short distance water-stop or food stop. This helps the muscles to recuperate and remain supple. Use the time to change and wear more comfortable clothing’s.
Zig Zagging It is always advisable to take a zig zag path instead of a steep straight climb. It saves that extra energy that would be dissipated unnecessarily taking that extra effort to climb a difficult gradient.
Be Positive and encourage others Keep feeling excited and remind yourself and others that we should not get cowed down by low feeling and exhausted, tired – I can’t push myself anymore! Keep encouraging yourself and others that you can do it!
During the downhill hike one should take extra care taking the steps as the pain on the toes, the calf muscles and knees, increases as the full body weight and rucksack weight works against the gravitation. There is always a chance of slipping or missing a step and hurting yourself.
Functionality: Functionality is more essential than style or looks. Checking on all the gears you have brought for different uses at different situations should function and come to use when required. Like your camp-stove, cannister, a pot or container, half leather gloves, a coffee or tea steel mug, tea bags, coffee sachets etc.