Learn and experience
at the conference!

Walk The Himalayas (WTH) is an Outdoor Education & Experiential Learning platform who are Adventure and Wilderness specialists. It deep dives into the study and learning of the inhabitants of the Himalayas-The Tribes – The Natives – their ethnicity and culture. Various recreational and Learning methodologies in Leadership training, Wilderness education are imparted during the course of our activity-based programs.
They say “Knowledge is Power”. Walk The Himalayas encourages sharing of knowledge with the Younger Minds especially. We continuously inculcate the learning habits amongst our participants and develop their skillsets. Dive into their minds to educate them to become more resilient and tenacious and train them to overcome challenges and risk. Make them confident individuals having compassion and tolerance. In this journey of imparting knowledge and also learning from experiences, creating better and able confident individuals.
Join us to make this passionate endeavor even more meaningful and making the community a better and competitive place and churning out successful minds.